WFA Launches Community Service Campaign


After months of preparation, the WFA Players Advisory Council is proud to announce the WFA Gives campaign! This program was created to help our teams give back to the communities that come out and support us on the field. The first major campaign of WFA Gives is a monthlong blood drive in conjunction with Vitalant Blood Services. Vitalant will be assisting teams with setting up drives and promoting donation efforts for blood and blood products. In addition, WFA teams will be planning collection events in their communities, including drives for school supplies, PPE, food, clothing, and more. We’ll be sharing events and announcements about WFA Gives throughout the month of November, but be sure you’re following your favorite team so you don’t miss out on the action!

#allinthistogether #onyourteam #wfagives #playingbyheart #WFAstrong #Vitalant


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